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Chicago Special : MUSE RESISTANCE TOUR 2010

OK let me see since there's a lot of things happened in Chicago so i'm gonna separate the story chapter by chapter. So, this is the chapter of MUSE only! only the band...

Me and my 5 girls went to Chicago just to watched MUSE concert. It's kind a crazy idea at first because we planned it on the last minute which is a week before the concert. So, Zatil booked the tickets for us and the transportation tickets. We ride a bus from Columbus to Chicago and it took about 6 hours to arrived in the windy city.

The concert supposedly to start at 8 pm so we went to the United Center by a cab (there will be a chapter about a transportation and u guys gonna love it)! Then we went into the entrance and they apparently they didn't allowed us to bring our bag so we had to checked in the bag at the counter (silly! cuz i cant even bring my mineral water).

The show began at 8pm with an opening band that i didn't recognize and it was OK but not entertaining. After than the stadium started to get dark and all the lights were off and we know that MUSE will be performing now!

There u go my new addiction standing at the center of the stage playing an opening song which is the Uprising and the audience went crazy... I was so thrilled because i can finally met my Matt Bellamy (he is so adorable!!!)...

Their energy are awesome and in fact they didn't disappointed the audience by entertained all of us with such an unforgettable performance. Every moment are special and Matt voices are so damn gooood.. It feels like i wanna get marry to his voice because It goes straight into my heart and plus I really understand the meaning of the lyrics... It is about how they trying to warn us about the New World Order that hypnotize us now and we need to wake up and fight against it!

My favorite definitely would be the Unnatural Selection, United States of Eurasia, Resistance and Supermassive Black Hole! I went crazy during all of these songs were playing.

The show ended around 11.30 pm and I bought myself their T-shirt (I immediately wear it before the show started) and I bought the poster... We went to Union Station by bus and I will continue the story in the next chapter.

MUSE is such a great band and I think they are much worth it than any other band that kind a overrated with the commercialization (is it the correct spelling or i just made it out by myself). Their music is unique and yet they bring a strong message in it. It is such a historic performance and I'm hoping to watch them in the future again...

Until then...

P/S: u guys can watch the concert video on my facebook. I didn't record the whole show but i have a few of them...



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