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COOL: Cultural Subject!

my internship in US most likely concentrating on learning a new culture and adaptation of new environment and atmosphere. if before this, i was mixed around with bunch of malay people but now i have to mix around with americans and speak in their language which is english.

yes i know it's not hard to speak english but to me it's a big challenge because knowing that you are not used to speak using that language back there in Malaysia. (just ignore my writing skill because i promise to level it up along i'm in here)!

it's a challenge for you when you have to work with people that totally different from your background. and it made me felt like a huge dummy... but when i think about it back, i used to remind myself that this is part of self - learning.

this internship it's not focusing on how well you manage impress your boss at work because they were not expecting an excellent work because you are a student and you can't do nothing much unless you were very good. but they not gonna scold you or ignore you but they will answer all of your questions with a smile on their faces.

at first i was expecting something extraordinary work from the station but seems like they were very firm in giving you the freedom in choosing your own department based on your interest. so i was so thrilled with their freedom and so i choose to be on the production team which was quite heavy to me. but i will try to get fit in and planning to transfer to the editing department and the boss doesn't seems to get mad because it is your choice to go wherever you want.

and so now i realized that my mission in this dream country is to gain as many experience as i could especially the culture. i believe when i get back to Malaysia i will be more likely become more confident than i usually do. they taught me how to have a conversation even my english skill were not really good anyways but they were not laughing at me at all but they help me with it to make things easy for me.

i might be missing my family back there and missing someone that i really considered as a special person to me but i have to struggle to fight this disturbing emotion because it is time for me to learn how to become an adult and faces the reality of world. life is beautiful and i believe in that!

i guess i'm happy with this opportunity because not everybody can actually experience it. thank ALLAH for this blessing and hope things will become more easy for me after this.

p/s: i'm just tired with all this snow thingy. let the spring take over winter. it's freezing like north pole!!!

until then, greet from athens, OH



ayieq said…
like serioussly, im so proud and jealoussz of yah! :)

be good and perform ye kat sana.
Alif Abu Bakar said…
baeklah abg ayieq...
xpyh nk jeles2 la...

nnt i bwk blik cenderahati.. mau apa? mag playboy>? kikiki
Tasnim said…
I feel the same way! I think one of the most valuable lessons we can learn is HOW work is done and learning their work culture and bring that back home, and incorporate it when we get back to Malaysia.

kat sini pun dah sejuk. autumn dah.

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